Central Research Laboratories
Our headquarters hosts state-of-the-art laboratories across our research domains

Center for Joint Industrial Research
Business Innovation Center, Genoa
The Center for Joint Industrial Research (CJIR), launched in 2020 in an agreement with Regione Liguria (FILSE) with 1.500 m² of space, hosts the robotics industrial laboratories.
Network Centers
Our researchers can count on a wide network of laboratories throughout Italy

Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Health Care
Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Biomaterials (CRIB), Naples
The Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Health Care (CABHC) develops materials and technologies to engineer bio-logically inspired platforms and systems for applications in the biomedical sector.

Center for Cultural Heritage Technology
Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice
The Center for Cultural Heritage Technology (CCHT) aims to research and promote new technologies for the analysis and preservation of Cultural Heritage, both tangible and intangible, by expanding and improving current approaches.
IIT network can count on two outstations based in the US, in collaboration with MIT and Harvard
The current strategic plan will launch a program of internationalization called IIT Global.
This program aims to activate student and faculty exchanges (including sabbaticals, extended stays, and visiting researcher periods), create dual-site Joint Labs, thus initiating longer-term collaborations, and enrich the IIT Outstation Network at selected locations.