IIT People Search

Francesco Fersini

PhD Student
Post Doc - Fellow
Molecular Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Research center

Francesco Fersini studied Electronics Engineering - Photonics at University of Pavia. He got his M.Sc. in 2019 with a research thesis developed at SciLifeLab (TestaLab group, Stockholm). He worked on a super-resolution microscope RESOLFT set-up (REversible Saturable Optical Linear Fluorescence Transitions), combining with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy technique (FLIM) to study the kinetics of super fluorescence proteins decay. After the graduation, he joined to Pharmaceutical Company Bracco Imaging in Colleretto Giacosa (Turin, Italy) in the R&D group as Junior Researcher. The work was orientated to design a FLIM time-gated wilde-field microscope and a GUI. The final goal was to provide lifetime information and spatial variations by parametric maps. In November 2020, Francesco obtained a Ph.D. scholarship in "Bioengineering and Robotics" at the University of Genoa, to join the Molecular Microscopy and Spectroscopy group at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT, Genoa, Italy) under the supervision of Dr. Giuseppe Vicidomini. His research interests include the design of super-resolution optical microscopy and characterization of fluorescence lifetime analysis in time and frequency domain.


Super Resolution Microscopy
- Adaptive Optics
- Fluorescence Lifetime
- SPAD Array detector

- Python
- Neural Network for Microscopy
- Matlab
- Overleaf

All Publications
Zunino A., Slenders E., Fersini F., Bucci A., Donato M., Vicidomini G.
Open-source tools enable accessible and advanced image scanning microscopy data analysis
Nature Photonics, vol. 17, (no. 6), pp. 457-458
Letter Journal
Tortarolo G., Zunino A., Fersini F., Castello M., Piazza S., Sheppard C.J.R., Bianchini P., Diaspro A., Koho S., Vicidomini G.
Focus image scanning microscopy for sharp and gentle super-resolved microscopy
Nature Communications, vol. 13, (no. 1)
Zunino A., Tortarolo G., Fersini F., Sheppard C. J. R., Bianchini P., Diaspro A., and Vicidomini G.
Focus-ISM: a universal tool to enhance optical sectioning in super-resolution microscopy
Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisica
Conference Paper Conference
Fersini F., Koho S., Tortarolo G., Slenders E., Booth M. J., Vicidomini G.
New Adaptive Optics Scheme for Confocal Deep Imaging with Detector Array
FOM - Focus on Microscopy
Conference Paper Conference
Rossetta A., Slenders E., Donato M., Zappone S., Fersini F., Bruno M., Diotalevi F., Lanzano L., Koho S., Tortarolo G., Barberis A., Crepaldi M., Perego E., Vicidomini G.
The BrightEyes-TTM as an open-source time-tagging module for democratising single-photon microscopy
Nature Communications, vol. 13, (no. 1)
Oral presentations
Fersini F., Koho S., Tortarolo G., Slenders E., Booth M. J., Vicidomini G.
New Adaptive Optics Scheme for Confocal Deep Imaging with Detector Array
FOM - Focus on Microscopy
Fersini F., Koho S., Tortarolo G., Booth M.J., Vicidomini G.
Decoding Optical Aberrations in Laser Scanning Microscopy via a Detector-Array: Towards a New Adaptive Optics Architecture
FOM - Focus On Microscopy 2020