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The CONCERT platform developed with the CONCERT EC project demonstrates a new paradigm of high power/strength, adaptable, collaborative robot, which leverages on configurable hardware with adaptive physical capabilities. Leveraging on ALBEROBOTICS reconfigurable hardware technology and the automatic deployment of control and interfaces the CONCERT can be quickly repurposed for a wide range of tasks scenarios. This enables to advance the collaborative robot technologies and apply them in workspaces and tasks with highly uncertain settings, providing functionalities that are robust, safe and efficient under unstructured workspace conditions while executing a number of demanding representative tasks from the construction sector.

The development of the Multi-arm Installation Robot for Readying ORUs and Reflectors (MIRROR) aims to demonstrate te proof of concept of a robot in-orbit service platform that provides assembly, maintenance and repair functionalities for several mission scenarios. The robot consists of three high payload robotic limbs powered by torque controlled drives, providing loco-manipulation capabilities and enabling the platform to locomote on a SPACE infrastructure while carrying the payload items needed for the assembly and maintenance operations. The complete design and realization of the MIRROR robot mechatronics have been carried out by the Humanoid and Human Centered Mechatronics Research Line Laboratory at IIT within the MIRROR project funded by ESA.
Related Publications
Enrico Mingo Hoffman, Arturo Laurenzi, Francesco Ruscelli, Luca Rossini, Lorenzo Baccelliere, Davide Antonucci, Alessio Margan, Paolo Guria, Marco Migliorini, Stefano Cordasco, Gennaro Raiola, Luca Muratore, Joaquín Estremera Rodrigo, Andrea Rusconi, Guido Sangiovanni, Nikos G Tsagarakis, “Design and Validation of a Multi-Arm Relocatable Manipulator for Space Applications”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023, DOI: 10.1109/ICRA48891.2023.10160389
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The hybrid legged wheeled quadruped robot CENTAURO is a state of art robotic platform developed entirely inside HHCM laboratory. The robot exhibits unique physical performance and loco-manipulation capabilities.
CENTUARO has been realized to provide a highly flexible mobile manipulation platform, which can be explored in various application domains within both structured and unstructured workspaces.
Related Publications
N. Kashiri et al, CENTAURO: A Hybrid Locomotion and High Power Resilient Manipulation Platform, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume: 4, Issue: 2, pp 1595-1602, 2019.
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The HHCM Hand-Arm manipulation robot was developed within the INAIL Teleop project. It is light weight robotic manipulation platform developed to be mounted on the quadrupedal robot HyQReal, resulting in a highly capable platform for teleoperation and manipulation tasks in challenging real-world environments. The arm incorporates a number of key design features and components, such as high performance elastic actuators, robust and light-weight design principles, a dexterous end-effector, and kinematics tailored to the mobile application. The control system of the robot arm allows the fully transparent integration with a mobile platform to execute tele-manipulation in remote environments through a rich set of control modes from classical position to torque and high-fidelity impedance control.
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The high performance humanoid WALK-MAN was developed to provide a humanoid robot that is physically strong and robust to operate within unstructured human environments and execute real tasks.
WALK-MAN has demonstrated skills such as dexterous, powerful manipulation, robust balanced locomotion and physical sturdiness. WALK-MAN was one of the humanoids robots, which participated to the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) in 2015.
Related Publications
N. G. Tsagarakis et al, WALK‐MAN: A High‐Performance Humanoid Platform for Realistic Environments, Journal of Field Robotics, 2017.
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The compliant child size humanoid COMAN, designed in the Humanoid and Human Centred Mechatronics lab represents the world’s first full-body humanoid that blends joint torque sensing/control and active impedance regulation with passive compliance at the whole body level.
COMAN was developed within the AMARSI EU project and serves as a state of the art experimental humanoid platform for exploring locomotion, balancing and physical interaction control.
Related Publications
N. G. Tsagarakis, S. Morfey, G. M. Cerda, Z. Li, D. D.G. Caldwell, COMpliant huMANoid COMAN: Optimal joint stiffness tuning for modal frequency control, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2013.
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