IIT People Search

Linda Lastrico

PostDoc Researcher
Post Doc
COgNiTive Architecture for Collaborative Technologies
Research center

My research in human-robot interaction aims to improve the exchange of information between the agents, promoting mutual understanding and facilitating coordination. I focus in particular on non-verbal implicit communication, to allow robots to understand human actions while, at the same time, generating movements that are natural and legible.
I am passionate about science communication to bring younger generations closer to science and I am involved in outreach and dissemination events with schools and the general public. I am a Young Ambassador for Women&Tech, to enhance female talent in STEM disciplines, innovation, and scientific research.


Title: Ph.D. in Cognitive Robotics, Interaction and Rehabilitation Technologies
Institute: Università degli Studi di Genova, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2019 To: 2023

Title: Bioengineering - Neuroengineering and BIO-ICT
Institute: Università degli Studi di Genova
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2017 To: 2019

Title: Ingegneria Biomedica
Institute: Università degli Studi di Genova
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2014 To: 2017


Title: Abilitazione alla professione di Ingegnere dell'Informazione LM21
Description: Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Genova
Date: 18-11-2020

Top Publications
Lastrico L., Ferreira Duarte N., Carfí A., Rea F., Mastrogiovanni F., Santos-Victor J., Sciutti A.
Like Robots, Like Humans: Pupil Dilation During Collaborative Object Manipulation
International Conference on Advanced Robotics, pp. 264-270
Conference Paper Conference
Lastrico L., Duarte N.F., Carfi A., Rea F., Sciutti A., Mastrogiovanni F., Santos-Victor J.
Expressing and Inferring Action Carefulness in Human-to-Robot Handovers
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 9824-9831
Conference Paper Conference
Lastrico L., Belcamino V., Carfì A., Vignolo A., Sciutti A., Mastrogiovanni F., Rea F.
The Effects of Selected Object Features on a Pick-and-Place Task: a Human Multimodal Dataset
International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 0, (no. 0)
Article Journal
Mongile S., Pusceddu G., Cocchella R., Lastrico L., Belgiovine G., Tanevska A., Rea F., Sciutti A.
What if a Social Robot Excluded You? Using a Conversational Game to Study Social Exclusion in Teen-robot Mixed Groups
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, pp. 208-212
Conference Paper Conference
Lastrico L., Ferreira Duarte N., Carfì A., Rea F., Mastrogiovanni F., Sciutti A., Santos-Victor J.
If You Are Careful, So Am I! How Robot Communicative Motions Can Influence Human Approach in a Joint Task
International Conference of Social Robotics, vol. 13817
Conference Paper Conference
Lastrico L.
IA e Diritti Umani
Società umanitaria di Milano
Lastrico L., Pirola T., Suarato G., Zorzi C.
New Job Opportunities for Young People
Elle Active
Lastrico L.
Rethink STE(A)M education
Osservatorio STEM Deloitte - 2° Edizione
Public Event
Lastrico L.
La Banda dei FuoriClasse
Awards and Achievements
Mongile S., Pusceddu G., Cocchella F., Lastrico L., Belgiovine G., Tanevska A., Rea F., Sciutti A.
Selected as a finalist for Best Late Breaking Report " What if a Social Robot Excluded You? Using a Conversational Game to Study Social Exclusion in Teen-robot Mixed Groups"
Garello L., Lastrico L., Rea F., Mastrogiovanni F., Noceti N., Sciutti A.
Selected as one of the finalists for the best paper with 'Property-Aware Robot Object Manipulation: A Generative Approach’
Lastrico L., Carfì A., Vignolo A., Sciutti A., Mastrogiovanni F., Rea F.
Selected as one of the finalists (3) for the best paper award with the paper ‘Careful with That! Observation of Human Movements to Estimate Objects Properties’
Organized Events
Belgiovine G., Lastrico L., Tanevska A., Pusceddu G., Cocchella F., Pasquali D.
GROUND: advancing GROup UNderstanding and robots' aDaptive behavior
Mongile S., Pusceddu G., Cocchella F., Lastrico L., Belgiovine G., Sciutti A.
Il Robot Che Vorrei
D'Angelo G., Lastrico L.
L'intelligenza dei robot
Vannucci F., Lastrico L., Pasquali D., Cocchella F., Scorza Azzara G., Belgiovine G., Garello L., Rea F., Sciutti A.
Interazione tra robot ed esseri umani: perche’ studiarla?
Belgiovine G., Kompatsiari K., Lastrico L., Marchesi S., Sciutti A., Wykowska A.
Cognitive Psychology and Robotics: Bridging the Gap