IIT Publications Search

Montobbio N., Zingarelli E., Folesani F., Memeo M., Croce E., Cavallo A., Grassi L., Fadiga L., Panzeri S., Belvederi Murri M., Becchio C.
Action prediction in psychosis
Schizophrenia, vol. 10, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Antonioni A., Raho E.M., Sensi M., Di Lorenzo F., Fadiga L., Koch G.
A new perspective on positive symptoms: expression of damage or self-defence mechanism of the brain?
Neurological Sciences, vol. 45, (no. 5), pp. 2347-2351
Di Lauro M., Rondelli F., De Salvo A., Corsini A., Genitoni M., Greco P., Murgia M., Fadiga L., Biscarini F.
An organic artificial soma for spatio-temporal pattern recognition via dendritic integration
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, vol. 4, (no. 2)
Article Journal
Yuan Z., de Jong D., Benus S., Nguyen N., Feng R., Sabo R., Fadiga L., D'Ausilio A.
ART: The Alternating Reading Task Corpus for Speech Entrainment and Imitation
2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-COLING 2024 - Main Conference Proceedings, pp. 1548-1562
Conference Paper Conference
Saygin G.D., Greco P., Selvaraj M., Di Lauro M., Murgia M., Bianchi M., Fadiga L., Biscarini F.
Concentration gradients probed in microfluidics by gate-array electrolyte organic transistor
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, vol. 404
Article Journal
Manco Urbina P.A., Paradisi A., Hasler R., Sensi M., Berto M., Saygin G.D., Dostalek J., Pinti M., Greco P., Borsari M., Knoll W., Bortolotti C.A., Biscarini F.
Dynamic studies of antibody-antigen interactions with an electrolyte-gated organic transistor
Cell Reports Physical Science
Vescovo E., Cardellicchio P., Tomassini A., Fadiga L., D'Ausilio A.
Excitatory/inhibitory motor balance reflects individual differences during joint action coordination
European Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 59, (no. 12), pp. 3403-3421
Article Journal
Lunghi A., Velluto F., Di Lisa L., Genitoni M., Biscarini F., Focarete M. L., Gualandi C., Bianchi M.
Fabrication and characterization of bioresorbable, electroactive and highly regular nanomodulated cell interfaces
Article in Press Journal
Pavan B.
Heterogeneous patterning of blood-brain barrier and adaptive myelination as renewing key in gray and white matter
Neural Regeneration Research, vol. 19, (no. 3), pp. 481-482
Article Journal
Sensi M., de Oliveira R.F., Berto M., Paradisi A., Greco P., Bortolotti C.A., Samori P., Biscarini F.
How Biorecognition Affects the Electronic Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide in Electrolyte-Gated Transistor Immunosensors
Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 34, (no. 19)
Genitoni M., Greco P., Murgia M., Lunghi A., Fadiga L., Biscarini F.
Increasing the Sensitivity of EGOFET Biosensor for L-Tryptophane Detection: Effect of pH on Glutaraldehyde-Antibody Biorecognition Layer
International Winterschool on Bioelectronics
Conference Paper Conference
Rondelli F., De Salvo A., Di Lauro M., Greco P., Murgia M., Fadiga L., Biscarini F.
Intra-cortical Neuromorphic Device for in vivo Dopamine Mapping
Annual International Winter School for Bioelectronics!
Conference Paper Conference
Sensi M., Ricci A., Rigillo G., Paradisi A., Berto M., Gnesutta N., Imbriano C., Biscarini F., Bortolotti C.A.
Investigation of transcription factor-DNA binding with electrolyte-gated organic transistors
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, vol. 12, (no. 21), pp. 7596-7604
Tomasino B., Weis L., Maieron M., Pauletto G., Verriello L., Budai R., Ius T., D'Agostini S., Fadiga L., Skrap M.
Motor or non-motor speech interference? A multimodal fMRI and direct cortical stimulation mapping study
Neuropsychologia, vol. 198
Article Journal
Emanuele M., D'Ausilio A., Koch G., Fadiga L., Tomassini A.
Scale-invariant changes in corticospinal excitability reflect multiplexed oscillations in the motor output
Journal of Physiology, vol. 602, (no. 1), pp. 205-222

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