RNA has an emerging role as a therapeutic target, and RNA therapeutics are being developed to treat a wide range of diseases. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are essential regulators of RNA function, and identifying their RNA targets and molecular networks is crucial to understanding their role in cells. High-throughput RNA- interaction mapping techniques such as UV crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) with high-throughput sequencing have revolutionized our understanding of RNA regulation. In recent years, new CLIP protocols have been developed, which are faster, more efficient, and allow for more sophisticated analysis of protein-RNA interactions. This course aims to provide hands-on training in the iCLIP2 protocol, an advanced CLIP protocol for transcriptome-wide RNA-interaction mapping. The course objectives are to (i) guide the students through the complete iCLIP2 protocol, (ii) introduce and apply the bioinformatics in CLIP analysis, and (iii) discuss and evaluate alternative as well as more specialized protocols such as seCLIP, kinCLIP, and miCLIP2. The theoretical sessions will cover the principles of iCLIP2 and other CLIP protocols. The course will also cover the application of bioinformatics in CLIP analysis, which is essential for interpreting these large-scale data sets. The course is aimed at graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and scientists interested in RNA regulation and transcriptomics.
Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)
"iCLIP2: An advanced technique for protein-RNA interaction mapping" (pc24/11)
Project information
EMBO Bechara
Start date
End date
People involved
Elias Bechara
RNA Systems Biology
Total budget: 50.172,00€
Total contribution: 50.172,00€
CUP J13C22000410001, ammesso a finanziamento dal MUR con Decreto Direttoriale di concessione delle agevolazioni n. 1050 del 23 giugno 2022, in risposta all’Avviso N. 3277 del 30/12/2021 che dà attuazione all’Investimento 1.5 – Creazione e rafforzamento di Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione”, costruzione di “leader territoriali di R&S” – nell’ambito della Missione 4 “Istruzione e ricerca”, Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza.