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Giuliano Iurilli

Lab Head
Senior Researcher Tenure Track - Principal Investigator
Systems Neurobiology
Research center

How does the brain process environmental and internal information to orchestrate the most adaptive response to ongoing and incoming challenges? I began to approach this question during my graduate studies at IIT in the laboratory of Paolo Medini, where I aimed to understand better how the microcircuits of the visual cortex respond to visual deprivation and non-visual stimuli from the external environment in mice. Then, as a postdoc, I moved to the laboratory of Bob Datta at Harvard Medical School, where I gradually shifted my focus on the innate behavioral responses to sensory stimuli, specifically to olfactory stimuli, the most primordial sensory stimuli used by animals. Finally, back at IIT as a Principal Investigator, I am working with a fantastic group of talented young scientists to discover the central circuit mechanisms that coordinate an animal's behavioral and visceral activity in anticipation of what will be coming.


Title: Ph.D. in Robotics and Neuroscience
Institute: Italian Institute of Technology
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2008 To: null

Title: Laurea Specialistica (M. Sc.) in Biomedical Sciences
Institute: University of Pisa
Location: Pisa
Country: Italy
From: 2006 To: 2007

Awards and Achievements
Stuefer A., Balasco L., Gini S., Coletta L., Rocchi F., Montani C., Alvino F.G., Sastre D., Galbusera A., Aldrighetti M., Mandrup Bertozzi S., Lau Poui Cheung P., Vozzi D., Papaleo F., Iurilli G., Armirotti A., Cancedda L., Lombardo M., Bozzi Y., Gozzi A.
Towards a chronobiological reconceptualization of the excitatory/inhibitory imbalance theory for autism: insights from chemogenetic studies in rodents
Stuefer A., Balasco L., Gini S., Coletta L., Rocchi F., Montani C., Alvino F.G., Sastre D., Galbusera A., Aldrighetti M., Mandrup Bertozzi S., Lau Poui Cheung P., Vozzi D., Papaleo F., Iurilli G., Armirotti A., Cancedda L., Lombardo M., Bozzi Y., Gozzi A.
Transient neocortical excitatory / inhibitory imbalance during early infancy leads to permanent social impairments
Iurilli G.
Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Career Development Award, 2019-2024
Iurilli G.
Isabelle Goldenson Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2018-2019
Iurilli G.
Human Frontiers Science Program, Long-Term Fellowship 2013-2016