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Giuliano Iurilli
Systems Neurobiology
How does the brain process environmental and internal information to orchestrate the most adaptive response to ongoing and incoming challenges? I began to approach this question during my graduate studies at IIT in the laboratory of Paolo Medini, where I aimed to understand better how the microcircuits of the visual cortex respond to visual deprivation and non-visual stimuli from the external environment in mice. Then, as a postdoc, I moved to the laboratory of Bob Datta at Harvard Medical School, where I gradually shifted my focus on the innate behavioral responses to sensory stimuli, specifically to olfactory stimuli, the most primordial sensory stimuli used by animals. Finally, back at IIT as a Principal Investigator, I am working with a fantastic group of talented young scientists to discover the central circuit mechanisms that coordinate an animal's behavioral and visceral activity in anticipation of what will be coming.
Title: Ph.D. in Robotics and Neuroscience
Institute: Italian Institute of Technology
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2008 To: null
Title: Laurea Specialistica (M. Sc.) in Biomedical Sciences
Institute: University of Pisa
Location: Pisa
Country: Italy
From: 2006 To: 2007