IIT People Search

Matteo Lisi

Affiliated Researcher
Neuroscience and society
Research center

Currently I am investigating how the embodiment of virtuous characters in virtual reality can affect prosocial behavior and civic engagement. Previously, I investigated the role of the participants' gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity in shaping behavioral and psychophysiological reactions  to social and intimate touch in immersive virtual environments, combining the full body ownership illusion and the vicarious perception of touch to investigate intimate and social touch in a controlled experimental setting.
In my past activity I also investigated how people regulated interpersonal distance toward virtual agents and specifically how: a) sexual orientation and sexual prejudice affect comfort-distance judgments toward male and female avatars; b) how dispositional and situation factors influenced the adherence to the physical distancing measure during the first COVID-19 outbreak.
More broadly, I am interested in combining ecological paradigms, motion tracking and physiological recordings to ultimately develop evidence-based protocols for attitudinal and behavioral change.


Title: Ph.D. in Cognitive, Social and Affective Neuroscience
Institute: La Sapienza University of Rome
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2018 To: 2022

Title: M.Sc. in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychological Rehabilitation
Institute: La Sapienza University of Rome
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2015 To: 2017

Experience External

Title: Internship
Institute: Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2018 To: 2019

All Publications
Verga C., Lisi M.P., Aglioti S.M., Fusaro M.
Translating, adapting and validating the Touch Experiences and Attitudes Questionnaire (TEAQ) for the Italian population
PsyArXiv Preprints
Article E-print Archive
Nicolardi V., Tieri G., Lisi M.P., Mello M., Fusaro M., Aglioti S.M.
Taking the perspective of an embodied avatar modulates the temporal dynamics of vicarious pain and pleasure: a combined Immersive Virtual Reality and EEG study
Article Journal
Lisi M.P., Fusaro M., Aglioti S.M.
Visual perspective and body ownership modulate vicarious pain and touch: A systematic review
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Review Journal
Fini C., Bardi L., Bolis D., Fusaro M., Lisi M.P., Michalland A.H., Era V.
The social roots of self development: from a bodily to an intellectual interpersonal dialogue
Psychological Research
Review Journal
Lisi M.P.
The regulation of social touch and interpersonal distance during human-avatar social interactions.
PhD Thesis Book
Organized Events
Placidi V., Lisi M., Vabba A., Frisanco A., Aglioti S.M.
Anti-mafia hero embodiment as a tool to fight mafias: an immersive virtual reality study
Lisi M., Fusaro M., Aglioti S.M.
Artificial agents delivering pain and touch on the embodied avatar of human participants are socially evaluated depending on the stimulus valence
Provenzano L., Frisanco A., Lisi M., Scattolin M., Fusaro M., Aglioti S.M.
Cambia il Corpo, Cambia la Mente
Vabba A., Placidi V., Lisi M., Aglioti S.M.
Cracking the “law of silence”: immersive virtual reality to study behavioral and neurophysiological response to mafia-type crime.
Provenzano L., Frisanco A., Lisi M., Scattolin M., Fusaro M., Aglioti S.M.
The body inside the metaverse