IIT People Search

Kourosh Riahidehkordi

Software Engineer
Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision
Research center

Currently working as a Junior Technician at the Italian Institute of Technology, I'm involved in engineering the MEMEX Android app, where my core objective is to advance AR and Computer Vision with a focus on enhancing user experiences and driving innovation in these rapidly evolving fields. This work is under the guidance of Alessio Del Bue at the PAVIS research center at IIT in Genova, Italy.

With prior experience as a software engineer at IIT, I was the lead developer on the INAIL mixed reality training project "Caduta dall'Alto" (Falling from Heights). My primary responsibilities included VR development and UE4 programming for the creation of a VR-based simulation for training workers operating at height. Our lab was located at the VICARIOS Mixed Reality and Simulations Lab in the Advanced Robotics (ADVR) Research Line at IIT in Genova, Italy, under the supervision of Nikhil Deshpande and Darwin Caldwell.