IIT People Search

Valeria Delle Cave

Head of Foreign Press Office and Communication of competitive projects.
Research Administrative
Communication and External Relations Directorate, Scientific Com. and Foreign Press Office
Research center

Valeria delle Cave has been working as science communication professional in IIT since 2010; she is currently the person in charge of the IIT's Foreign Press Office and the Communication activities related to research projects funded by external bodies on competitive basis, such as European Commission, ERC, Italian entities and international foundations. She is one of the Italian National press officer (NPO) of EU Flagship project "Graphene".  She is member of the editorial staff of online magazine IIT OpenTalk. 

She has Physics degree (University of Milan) and a PhD in Science and Society (University of Milan and SISSA in Trieste). During her PhD program she spent a semester as visiting student at the School of Communications in DCU, Dublin. Her research studies focused on the communication of nanotechnology in the public sphere. Her research results were presented at national and international conferences (PCST, 2012; S-Net, 2009; STS-Italia, 2009; VII Convegno Nazionale sulla comunicazione della scienza, 2008).  In 2021 she got a Diploma in European Affairs from ISPI - Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale. She was an invited speaker to the international symposium "Signals from the future: Emerging technologies in science journalism", organized by EU initiative FETFX in 2021.

She is author of “Giuseppe Occhialini e Bruno Pontecorvo”, in Scienziati d'Italia (Codice Edizione, 2011); “Nanotecnologie, tra scienza e società”, in Futuro della Terra (Utet, 2010); Giuseppe Occhialini. Biografia di un fisico italiano, (Muzzio Editore, 2009). She is currently Board member of the Italian association SWIM - Science Writers in Milan.

She is journalist (pubblicista) at Ordine dei giornalisti della Liguria.