IIT People Search

Roman Krahne

Leader of the Optoelectronics Research Line at IIT
Senior Researcher Tenured - Principal Investigator
Research center

I am the leader of the Optoelectronics group at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa. My research activity focuses on plasmonic structures, photonic devices, and nanomaterials in optoelectronics such as lasers, LEDs and photodetectors.  I received my PhD in Applied Physics from the University of Hamburg (Germany) in 2000. Then I joined the Weizmann Institute of Science as a postdoc, and became researcher at the National Research Council (Lecce, Italy) in 2003. In 2009 I joined IIT as Senior Researcher, and became group leader in 2014. I was appointed Guest Professor by the Institute of Semiconductors at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and am member of the Counsel of Lecturers at the University of Genoa. I was Organizer of the “Colloidal Nanocrystals” symposium at the ANNIC 2018, Program Chair of the 8th International Conference on Quantum Dots, and Co-organizer of the 3rd International Conference “Nanoscience with Nanocrystals”.


Title: PhD in Physics
Institute: University of Hamburg
Location: Hamburg
Country: Germany
From: 1996 To: 2000

All Publications
Caligiuri V., Kwon H., Griesi A., Ivanov Y.P., Schirato A., Alabastri A., Cuscuna M., Balestra G., De Luca A., Tapani T., Lin H., Maccaferri N., Krahne R., Divitini G., Fischer P., Garoli D.
Dry synthesis of bi-layer nanoporous metal films as plasmonic metamaterial
Nanophotonics, vol. 13, (no. 7), pp. 1159-1167
Schleusener A., Faraji M., Borreani M., Lauciello S., Pasquale L., Khabbaz Abkenar S., Divitini G., Krahne R.
Heterostructures via a Solution-Based Anion Exchange in Microcrystalline 2D Layered Metal-Halide Perovskites
Advanced Materials
Article Journal
Griesi A., Faraji M., Kusch G., Khabbazabkenar S., Borreani M., Lauciello S., Schleusener A., Oliver R.A., Krahne R., Divitini G.
Mapping emission heterogeneity in layered halide perovskites using cathodoluminescence
Nanotechnology, vol. 35, (no. 10)
Caligiuri V., Leone F., Favale O., De Santo M., Bruno M.D.L., Mileti O., Pane A., Patra A., Petti L., Guzman-Puyol S., Heredia-Guerrero J.A., Krahne R., Baldino N., Bartolino R., Galluccio M., Annesi F., De Luca A.
Micro- and Nano-Structured Bacteria Growth Media for Planar Bio-Photonics
Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 12, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Kumar P., Patra A., Shivaleela E.S., Caligiuri V., Krahne R., De Luca A., Srinivas T.
Multi-solution inverse design in photonics using generative modeling
Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, vol. 41, (no. 2), pp. A152-A160
Article Journal