IIT People Search

Iurii Ivanov

TEM Application Scientist
Chief Technician
Electron Spectroscopy and Nanoscopy
Research center

Dr. Yurii P. Ivanov is a TEM Application Scientist/Chief Technician of Electron Microscopy and Nanoscopy research line at the Italian Institute of Technology. He joined IIT in 2022 following postdoctoral research at the Microstructural Kinetics Group and the Transmission Electron Microscopy Group at Department of Material Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, UK. He focuses his research on the material science electron microscopy and spectroscopy exploring new materials.

Experience External

Title: PDRA
Institute: University of Cambridge
Location: Cambridge
Country: UK
From: 2018 To: 2022

Title: Postdoctoral Reseacher
Institute: ESI OEAW
Location: Leoben
Country: Austria
From: 2016 To: 2018

All Publications
Ruta V., Di Liberto G., Moriggi F., Ivanov Y.P., Divitini G., Bussetti G., Barbera V., Bajada M.A., Galimberti M., Pacchioni G., Vile G.
Copper Single Atoms Chelated on Ligand-Modified Carbon for Ullmann-type C−O Coupling
ChemSusChem, vol. 17, (no. 5)
Caligiuri V., Kwon H., Griesi A., Ivanov Y.P., Schirato A., Alabastri A., Cuscuna M., Balestra G., De Luca A., Tapani T., Lin H., Maccaferri N., Krahne R., Divitini G., Fischer P., Garoli D.
Dry synthesis of bi-layer nanoporous metal films as plasmonic metamaterial
Nanophotonics, vol. 13, (no. 7), pp. 1159-1167
Casu A., Chiodoni A., Ivanov Y.P., Divitini G., Milani P., Falqui A.
In Situ TEM Investigation of Thermally Induced Modifications of Cluster-Assembled Gold Films Undergoing Resistive Switching: Implications for Nanostructured Neuromorphic Devices
ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 7, (no. 7), pp. 7203-7212
Article Journal
Louzguine-Luzgin D.V., Ivanov Y.P., Semin V., Nohira N., Hosoda H., Greer A.L.
On polymorphic crystal growth in a Ti-Ni-Cu-Fe system metallic glass at the glass-transition temperature
Scripta Materialia, vol. 242
Article Journal
Otero-Martinez C., Zaffalon M.L., Ivanov Y.P., Livakas N., Goldoni L., Divitini G., Bora S., Saleh G., Meinardi F., Fratelli A., Chakraborty S., Polavarapu L., Brovelli S., Manna L.
Ultrasmall CsPbBr3 Blue Emissive Perovskite Quantum Dots Using K-Alloyed Cs4PbBr6 Nanocrystals as Precursors
ACS Energy Letters, vol. 9, (no. 5), pp. 2367-2377
Ivanov Y.P.
Title: Atomic diffusivities in amorphous and liquid Cu-Zr metallic glasses: TEM studies
Webinar DENSsolutions
Public Event
Scientific Talks
Ivanov Yu. P.
HR STEM study of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots)
TU Wien (Vienna, Austria)
Ivanov Yu. P.
HR STEM study of semiconductor colloidal nanocrystals
CIC NanoGUNE (San Sebastian, Spain)
Ivanov Y.P.
Electron microscopy of amorphous materials
RCEM 2022
Ivanov Y.P.
Virtual Bright Field Differential Phase Contrast Imaging
International symposium "Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics"
Ivanov Y.P.
Magnetic Nanowires Devices
KAUST-NSF Research Conference On Electronic Materials, Devices And Systems For A Sustainable Future 2015
Awards and Achievements
Ivanov Yu.P.
Fellow of Royal Microscopy Society (FRMS)