The Center for Cultural Heritage Technology
The Center intends to promote the development of new technologies for the analysis, preservation, and protection of Cultural Heritage.
The center boasts strong experience in various fields, from computational sciences to material sciences and humanities, to carry out independent and cutting-edge research to expand, improve or move past current approaches.
CCHT focuses on scientific areas that have been poorly, or not yet, explored to implement and enhance existing technologies as well as to create innovative and effective tools capable of responding to the challenges inherent to both tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage.
Moving from the well-known preservation needs of Venice's vulnerable historical heritage, the center seeks to advance means and methods of protection applicable to a global context.
Pubblicazioni recenti
Ahmad J., Frascella S., Dassie F., Lahoud M.G., Marchello G., Cannella F., Traviglia A.
AAPOE: Automated Artifacts Position and Orientation Estimation in Cultural Heritage
MESA 2024 - 20th International Conference on Mechatronic, Embedded Systems and Applications, Proceedings
Giovanelli R., Traviglia A.
AIKoGAM: An AI-driven Knowledge Graph of the Antiquities Market: Toward Automatised Methods to Identify Illicit Trafficking Networks
Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, vol. 7, (no. 1), pp. 92-114
Giovanelli R.
Antiquities Protection Through Digital Approaches
IIT OpenTalk Magazine - Center Highlights Vedi tutte >

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