IIT Publications Search

Lombardi M., Roselli C., Kompatsiari K., Rospo F., Natale L., Wykowska A.
The impact of facial expression and communicative gaze of a humanoid robot on individual Sense of Agency
Scientific Reports
Roselli C., Marchesi S., De Tommaso D., Wykowska A.
The role of prior exposure in the likelihood of adopting the Intentional Stance towards a humanoid robot
PALADYN - Journal of Behavioral Robotics
Parenti L., Navare U., Marchesi S., Roselli C., Wykowska A.
Theta Synchronization as a Neural Marker of flexible (re-)use of socio-cognitive mechanisms for a new category of (artificial) interaction partners
Roselli C., Navare U., Ciardo F., Wykowska A.
Type of education affects individuals' adoption of Intentional Stance towards robots: an EEG study
International Journal of Social Robotics
Roselli C., Ciardo F., De Tommaso D., Wykowska A.
Human-likeness and attribution of intentionality predict vicarious sense of agency over humanoid robot actions
Scientific Reports
Roselli C., Ciardo F., De Tommaso D., Wykowska A.
Intentionality attribution predict vicarious Sense of Agency over humanoid robot actions
European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology
Abstract Report Conference
Roselli C., Ciardo F., Wykowska A.
Social inclusion of robots depends on the way a robot is presented to observers
PALADYN - Journal of Behavioral Robotics
Roselli C., Ciardo F., De Tommaso D., Wykowska A.
The interplay between human-likeness and intentionality attribution for the vicarious Sense of Agency over humanoid robot actions
European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN)
Abstract Report Conference
Marchesi S., Roselli C., Wykowska A.
Cultural Values, but not Nationality, Predict Social Inclusion of Robots
The Thirteenth International Conference on Social Robotics, vol. 13086, pp. 48-57
Roselli C., Ciardo F., Wykowska A.
Intentions and actions: how vicarious Sense of Agency emerges in Human-Robot Interaction
European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN)
Abstract Report Conference
Roselli C., Ciardo F., Wykowska A.
Intentions with actions: the role of intentionality attribution on the vicarious sense of agency in Human-Robot Interaction
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Ciardo F., Ghiglino D., Roselli C., Wykowska A.
The Effect of Individual Differences and Repetitive Interactions on Explicit and Implicit Attitudes Towards Robots
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12483 LNAI, pp. 466-477
Roselli C., Ciardo F., Wykowska A.
Robots improve judgments on self-generated actions: an Intentional Binding Study
The 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2019)
Roselli C., Ciardo F., Wykowska A.
Vicarious Sense of Agency in Human-Robot Interaction
European Conference for Cognitive Science 2019
Poster Conference
Roselli C., Ciardo F., Wykowska A.
Vicarious Sense of Agency in Human-Robot Interaction
7th Joint Action Meeting
Poster Conference