De Luca A., Muratore L., Tsagarakis N.
A hierarchical simulation-based push planner for autonomous recovery in navigation blocked scenarios of mobile robots
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 184
Del Bianco E., Torielli D., Rollo F., Gasperini D., Laurenzi A., Baccelliere L., Muratore L., Roveri M., Tsagarakis N.G.
A High-Force Gripper with Embedded Multimodal Sensing for Powerful and Perception Driven Grasping
IEEE International Conference on Humanoids
Conference Paper
Torielli D., Bertoni L., Muratore L., Tsagarakis N.
A Laser-Guided Interaction Interface for Providing Effective Robot Assistance to People With Upper Limbs Impairments
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, (no. 9), pp. 7653-7660
Ruscelli F., Rossini L., Mingo Hoffman E., Baccelliere L., Laurenzi A., Muratore L., Antonucci D., Cordasco S., Tsagarakis N.G.
Design and Control of the Humanoid Robot COMAN+: Hardware Capabilities and Software Implementations
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, pp. 2-13
Torielli D., Franco L., Pozzi M., Muratore L., Malvezzi M., Tsagarakis N., Prattichizzo D.
Wearable Haptics for a Marionette-inspired Teleoperation of Highly Redundant Robotic Systems
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 15670-15676
Torielli D., Franco L., Pozzi M., Muratore L., Malvezzi M., Tsagarakis N.G., Prattichizzo D.
Wearable Haptics for a Marionette-Inspired Teleoperation of Highly Redundant Robotic Systems
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Conference Paper
Muratore L., Laurenzi A., De Luca A., Bertoni L., Torielli D., Baccelliere L., Del Bianco E., Tsagarakis N.G.
A Unified Multimodal Interface for the RELAX High-Payload Collaborative Robot
Sensors, vol. 23, (no. 18)
De Luca A., Muratore L., Tsagarakis N.G.
Autonomous Navigation with Online Replanning and Recovery Behaviors for Wheeled-Legged Robots Using Behavior Trees
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, (no. 10), pp. 6803-6810
Hoffman E.M., Laurenzi A., Ruscelli F., Rossini L., Baccelliere L., Antonucci D., Margan A., Guria P., Migliorini M., Cordasco S., Raiola G., Muratore L., Rodrigo J.E., Rusconi A., Sangiovanni G., Tsagarakis N.G.
Design and Validation of a Multi-Arm Relocatable Manipulator for Space Applications
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 2023-May, pp. 11887-11893
D'Auria D., Kazanzides P., Matson E., Muratore L.
Message from the Program Co-Chairs IRC 2023
Proceedings - 2023 17th IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, IRC 2023, pp. xv-xvi
Torielli D., Bertoni L., Fusaro F., Tsagarakis N., Muratore L.
ROS End-Effector: A Hardware-Agnostic Software and Control Framework for Robotic End-Effectors
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, vol. 108, (no. 4)
Laurenzi A., Antonucci D., Tsagarakis N.G., Muratore L.
The XBot2 real-time middleware for robotics
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 163
Muratore L., Tsagarakis N.
XBot2D: towards a robotics hybrid cloud architecture for field robotics
Frontiers Robotics AI, vol. 10
De Luca A., Muratore L., Tsagarakis N.G.
A Hybrid Primitive-Based Navigation Planner for the Wheeled-Legged Robot CENTAURO
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, vol. 2022-October, pp. 7904-7911
De Luca A., Muratore L., Tsagarakis N.
A Hybrid Primitive-Based Navigation Planner for the Wheeled-Legged Robot CENTAURO
The 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022)